Embracing Mom Guilt: Prioritizing Mothers on Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day is a day of celebration, appreciation, and love for mothers everywhere. However, amidst the brunch reservations and family gatherings, there’s a silent struggle that many moms face: the guilt of not wanting to spend Mother’s Day with extended family. As a mother of  two children under the age of four, this feeling of guilt can be particularly strong, but it’s important to recognize that prioritizing self-care and setting healthy boundaries with family during this time is essential.

As mothers, we are constantly juggling the needs of our children, our partners, our homes, and often, our careers. It’s a balancing act that requires immense patience, resilience, and sacrifice. But amid this whirlwind of responsibilities, we must not forget to prioritize our own well-being.

Saying no to spending Mother’s Day at grandma’s house (both of them) does not make us selfish or ungrateful. It simply means that we recognize our own needs and limitations. Just as we say no to our children when something isn’t in their best interest, whether it’s sugary treats before dinner or excessive screen time, we must also be able to say no to others, including family members, when something isn’t good for us.

Let’s be honest, who really wants to wrangle two toddlers under the age of four at an overpriced, super busy brunch? The idea of spending the day chasing after little ones while shoveling food in my mouth and gulping down a mimosa is far from relaxing. (I rather have the mimosa in the comfort of my own home).

Mother’s Day should be a day of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. It’s a day to honor the incredible work that mothers do every single day of the year. And while spending time with family can be wonderful, it’s equally important to recognize when we need time for ourselves.

So, if the thought of spending Mother’s Day with extended family fills you with dread rather than joy, don’t be afraid to speak up. Set boundaries, communicate your needs, and prioritize self-care. Whether it’s spending the day at home with your children, treating yourself to a solo spa day, or simply enjoying some quiet time with a good book, do what feels right for you.

To all the moms out there, embrace the Mom Guilt! But don’t let it dictate your decisions. Give yourself permission to prioritize self-care this Mother’s Day and every day thereafter. After all, a happy, healthy mom is the greatest gift of all.