5 ways to get back to work-mode after a break

  1. Remind yourself that the next break is just around the corner…Hello Summer!! You spent so much time looking forward to Spring Break ; a legitimate break from the aches and pains of remote learning or teaching for it all to start all over again too soon. Just remember you hard working madres, it won’t be long till were counting down the days till Summer Break.
  2. Do not wait the last minute to get ready for that dreaded Monday morning
  3. As hard as it may sound, try to get a good night’s sleep…as I write this post at 12:30am! If your like me, you’ve probably spent the majority of your Spring Break, staying up late (no big difference there if your a madre) and sleeping in a little later than usual. Give you and your little one time to adjust to your usual sleep/wake schedule.
  4. Do nothing, I REPEAT nothing related to your job, if you can. Each break, I always make a list of things I’m going to complete (job-related) that I never do. Enjoy this time for what it is, time off for you, maybe for your family, and mentally and spirituality recharge yourself.
  5. Lastly and most importantly enjoy the time you have off with your little one, it all goes by way too fast.

Give Time to You